The Faithful Elf (Bible-Based Elf Activities)

What is the reason for the season?

Hint...Christmas literally starts with it. "Christ." Here are some ways the elf can bring you closer to Jesus. 

Bible-Based Notes from the Elf

I already made traditional notes the elf can bring, but these are more biblical-based and contain Scripture. The versions of these I've seen on Pinterest are a little fancier, but also overly nitpicky, naggy and overall not very positive. Whatever the elf does that day can be based on what the note says. One of my activity calendars also goes well with these.

Jesus-Inspired Challenge Cards

I don't know what I was thinking when I named these ("Jesus Challenge" makes me think of a video game where you need to go around turning water into wine or something. "Challenge unlocked==earn salvation!"). I don't know. Either way, these cards will inspire kids to practice good values to get on Santa's list. The elf can bring them for the kids to complete during the day, and they go well with one of my activity calendars, too. 

Letters to Jesus

You know about writing letters to Santa, but what about writing to Jesus? Have the elf bring these one day and have the kids fill them out. 

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